MAORN - évènements et team building

Pétanque partout et tout le tempsPétanque indoor et éphémèrele planétarium - 15 personnesA l'intérieur du planétariumSirius Project - Au cœur de l'enquête ! - MAORNSirius Project - Au cœur de l'enquête ! - MAORNLes sorties en raquette à neige - MAORNLes sorties sous la yourte - MAORNConstruction de radeau - MAORNTraversée de Strasbourg en canoë - MAORNBalade à VTT dans le vignoble alsacien - MAORNLes skis géants - MAORNLe rallye GPS, le rallye le plus demandé - MAORNLes barriques de vins - MAORNEcrivez votre histoire en BD - MAORNDéfis artistique - renforcez l'identité de votre entreprise - MAORNConstruisez votre mini grand prix ! - MAORNTournoi de pétanque : détente et jeux d'équipe - MAORNLes mikados géants - MAORNL'escal'arbre - MAORNLa Piste de Pumptrack - MAORN

Motivation and cohesion MAORN offers its services and solutions in order to organise your corporate events such as : seminars, opening ceremonies, incentive… Our solutions and activities are created to meet the needs of companies seeking cohesion improvement, motivation and development of human relationships within their teams and colleagues (Team Building).

We operate throughout Strasbourg and the Alsatian region as well as the Vosges Mountains, along the wine road and at some exceptional and "secret" places.

Our incentive:

- Evening in a yurt or refuge with wild boar on the spit,
- Lounge cruise around downtown Strasbourg (Ill river) with Evening buffet (dinner) and musical entertainment
- Original farm discovering...

 Our team building: Cooking Team Cup, artistic challenge, wine maker challenge, underwater challenge (scuba diving), olympics, GPS tour, hidden treasure, orienteering, etc.

Leisure: Segway, Mountain Bike, scuba-diving, canoe (Strasbourg and around), hiking, snowshoeing, archery, etc.