Challenge KohmagaRallye piéton à StrasbourgChallenge KohmagaChallenge collaboratif : Effet Domino (réaction en chaînes)Animation Défi ChronoDoublage de films Team Building StrasbourgSherlock Party à StrasbourgSherlock PartySherlock Party

Contact this provider

12 rue Charles Grad
67000 Strasbourg

Contact : Isabelle SAIL

 Display phone number

Surprise your employees and strengthen your teams with our team building and evening animations!

Producer of Team Building, our team of animators based in Strasbourg will be able to answer your specific needs in Alsace.

Kohmaga Challenge : Greatly federating and very appreciated, our team building activity Kohmaga transports you in a real adventure game.

Speed, agility, communication and cohesion will be your main allies to succeed in lifting the coveted totem pole!

On the program of Kohmaga, many challenges promoting team spirit: Koh'llaborer, Koh'mmuniquer, Koh'ordonner, Koh'mestible ....

Kohmaga is suitable for everyone, regardless of physical level or age.

Pedestrian rally in Strasbourg, Obernai, Colmar... :

What better than a pedestrian rally to discover some traditions and hidden beauties of a city?

Our pedestrian rallies, totally designed and customized by us, allow you to discover different districts, the history, the architecture, the gastronomy and the charm of a city. The principle of the pedestrian rally is a real orientation game accessible to all, on foot, combining relaxation, fun and challenge.

Riddles, gastronomy, challenges, humor and surprises will make you spend a friendly and unforgettable half-day of discovery.

Chrono Challenge: What is it? An animation that will make your head spin! Your employees, divided into teams, will participate in different challenges within a given time.

On the program: thematic blind tests, agility tests (kheops cup, paper cup, rolling coin...), speed (fan, sketch by knockout, grey matter earthquake...) and balance (infernal tower, kitchen circus...)

These challenges, each one crazier than the other, appearing at first sight to be easy, will take a completely different turn during this evening.... always in a friendly atmosphere.