What's Kooma? Derived from “kumma”, meaning “come” in Alsatian, the name sounds like an invitation. The K stands for Krutenau, the oo for cooperation and the ma for Manufacture!
Kooma is a living space dedicated to organic and sustainable food, with a producers' store, a local and international grocery store, a food court and an entertainment area, where pleasure and conviviality take center stage. It's located in the heart of the Manufacture de Tabacs, Strasbourg's new must-see district.
People come here to :
shop with local organic producers
enjoy organic dishes from local producers
enjoy the friendly atmosphere
catch up with friends and family
enjoy cultural and artistic emulation
learn and get moving
celebrate festive events.
A place where organic food is synonymous with good food and good drink; where festivities are joyful and good-natured; a place that embodies the quintessence of conviviality in all its simplicity.