Groupe Valliance Sécurité

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98 rue de Hochfelden
Immeuble Da Vinci
67200 Strasbourg

Contact : Abdelaziz CHOUKRI

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The Valliance Security Group (GVS) offers comprehensive and customized security solutions for various sectors, including institutions, industry, and individuals. Our expertise in private security encompasses surveillance, advanced electronic systems, and access control, ensuring constant protection tailored to each client's specific needs. Our experienced professionals, guided by our values of integrity, vigilance, and innovation, are committed to effectively preventing risks. At GVS, security is not just a service; it is a passion that contributes to a safer society, always in compliance with current regulations.

GVS is firmly committed to Social and Environmental Responsibility, recognizing its significant impact on communities and the environment. We adopt ethical and sustainable practices, support community initiatives, and promote an inclusive and diverse work environment. Our goal is to improve living and working conditions, not only for our clients but also for society as a whole, contributing to a safer and more sustainable future. Trust GVS for effective and environmentally friendly protection, tailored to your specific needs. Together, let's secure your environment with integrity and responsibility.